Program Benefits

Breathe. Find your footing. And welcome home.
This is where life makes sense, and eases you
into your place in the world.

Come be a part of a community that understands. We’ve been there, and we know how to lead you forward. When you join our herd, you’ll find a new sense of being and purpose through the benefits below.

Breathe. Find your footing. And welcome home. This is where life makes sense, and eases you into your place in the world.

Come be a part of a community that understands. We’ve been there, and we know how to lead you forward. When you join our herd, you’ll find a new sense of being and purpose through the benefits below.

Time in the Natural World
Scientists are now finding that time in nature is beneficial to our health. Most normal people have always known this but we get caught up in another world and forget. Our sessions take place on a 55+ acres horse ranch with 80 other horses. Driving into the ranch is like entering a new world, with its own participants, its own energy and its own potentials. The land and collective herd of horses shapes the conversation you will be in. It’s the conversation you’ve wanted and perhaps have needed to have. It awaits you here.

A Safe Place to Rest and Restore
VEA is a safe place to come as you are. The horses know you and can sense what you’ve been through and what brings you here. We are veteran-owned and have vets on staff. The pace here is different than you may be used to. We follow the natural rhythm of the herd. Nature doesn’t hurry and yet everything gets done. We offer both structured and unstructured time with horses. Here we step back and look at aspects of your life you want to explore without getting caught up in your life. Consider your time here a time out from your life. Most people leave feeling deeply restored and nourished.

Confidence and Presence with Employers
The question is: How can you translate your military experience into language employers understand? Don’t leave this up to HR departments; they often don’t know how. VEA staff are skilled translators and can teach you how to stand strong and translate your service achievements into skills employers sorely need. Good workers are increasingly hard to find — you’re the solution (not the problem). The uncertainty you face can be unsettling and can raise old fears and insecurities. Horses see through all of this to your essence and greatness. Yes, greatness

Clarity and Purpose
Sometimes we find answers for the complex challenges we face when we are not looking for them! Focusing on horses and your connection with them frees you from thinking about all the other things on your mind. Yet, while you’re looking away something often shifts within, bringing with it new understanding of a way forward. Horses’ purpose is to live in harmony and safety in a herd. Threats are handled quickly and decisively. Horses don’t hold grudges or stay angry or afraid. They cannot afford to. They shake off the tension and get back to their purpose. We can learn a lot from them.

Community and Support
One of the toughest parts of life transitions can be the isolation and sense of aloneness you feel. No one really understands what you’re up against and what’s going on inside. At VEA you will find a community of beings — two and four legged — that ‘get’ you and know how to assist in finding the next step. For the record: transitioning back into civilian life is not rocket science — it’s way more complex than rocket science. We help you connect with veterans’ service groups so you can build a community of support. No one advances alone. Remember: this ‘herd support’ is how horses live and have survived for thousands of years.

Taking Action
All the activity in the world means nothing if it doesn’t move you closer to achieving your goals. VEA programs may include participation in groups of vets who assist in goal setting, accountability and periodic check-ins. The civilian life is about standing on the playing field until you get what you want. Remaining in the conversation until it turns your way. VEA staff and your vet colleagues provide the guidance you need. When added to your own wisdom and resilience, you are well equipped for the journey ahead.

Take the First Step

Let’s get you started. Embark on a new beginning today!

Veterans Equine Alliance
Milwaukee, WI

‍(414) ‍405-6892
‍(860) ‍983-8203

© 2023 Veterans Equine Alliance

Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce

Veterans Equine Alliance
Milwaukee, WI

‍(414) ‍405-6892
‍(860) ‍983-8203

© 2023 Veterans Equine Alliance

Wisconsin Veterans Chamber of Commerce